Resus Citate Studio

Client Name: Resus

Client Country: Canada

Project Goal: The goal was simple. The client already installed the WordPress and a Loud Premium Musical Theme from ThemeForest. And he also imported the demo content. He wanted me to do some Customizations and make it ready for him so that he can edit further himself.


  1. Organize the menu. Remove mega menus, unnecessary pages. Put necessary pages and links.
  2. Remove some headers from one page to another page
  3. Make the studio page it’s the homepage
  4. Change the homepage header
  5. Upload logos to every place
  6. Edit slider with Slider Revolution as requirements

Summary: First I changed the menu settings and changed them as client requirements. Then I gave him an update. He changed his mind and gave me another file of changes for the menu and logo. This site had different footers for different pages. So I had to check every footer block to change the logos. For Slider the instructions were clear. I changed them and kept the design responsive.

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